Paul Clymer speaks about The American At the March 2020 Perkasie Historical Society meeting, Paul Clymer presented a program on the 100th Anniversary of the Hartzell - Crouthamel American Legion Post 280 in Perkasie. Mr. Clymer was our Pennsylvania State Representative for thirty – four years and is now Commander of the American Legion Post. Mr. Clymer talked about World War I and the atrocities of that war. He remembers, as a child, many of the war veterans living in the Perkasie and Sellersville area. He recalls seeing a man with a persistent cough and questioned his father. His father shared that the man, a World War I veteran had lung damage from his exposure to the gas used in warfare. After the war the returning veterans formed the American Legion. The Perkasie Post 280 was named after Calvin Hartzell and Earl Crouthamel. Both were Perkasie boys that were casualties of the war. Calvin F. Hartzel was Killed in action at Ronsoy, between Cambrai and St. Quentin on September 29, 1918 when the tank hit a land mine. Earl Crouthamel was killed on November 2nd, 1918, in Huysie, Belgium. This was just nine days before the armistice. The American Legion Post at one time had over 500 members and now has about 45 members. The legion organizes the Memorial Day Parade which alternates between Perkasie and Sellersville. They support community events and provide scholarships. Rick Doll 2020
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