The South Perkasie Hotel "The Perk"
Restaurant and Moyer's Store
Corner of E. Walnut St. and Main St., South Perkasie
The apartment complex on the left was H.D. Moyer's store while the building on the right in these photos is the South Perkasie Hotel, now known as "The Perk." These two buildings were the hub of South Perkasie's business center.
In the early mid 1800's, the hotel was a frequent stopover for merchants traveling from Lehigh Valley to Philadelphia. There was a cattle market behind the hotel which was well known across country. Cattle, horses, and pigs were bought and sold here. It is also the birthplace of the "combination sale," today known as a flea market.
The Perk is a great place to meet friends and enjoy a nice meal.
Reference Perkasie Historical Society archives