Henry O. Moyer Home now Grim, Biehn &Thatcher
Law Offices
600 W. Chestnut St.
Perkasie Central News 1895
Perkasie Historical Society Archives: Doctor Winn Collection
This house was constructed in 1895 for Henry O. Moyer, prominent businessman and Perkasie Chief Burgess. The house has many design characteristics of architect Milton Bean.
Mr. Moyer operated a gentleman’s furnishing store in the northwest corner of the building.
The Charles Meredith family purchased the home in 1926 and owned it until 1950.
The Grim and Grim Law firm began leasing space in the building and eventually purchased it. Today the home is beautifully maintained by Grim, Biehn & Thatcher Law Offices.
Reference Perkasie Historical Society archives
Mr. Moyer operated a gentleman’s furnishing store in the northwest corner of the building.
The Charles Meredith family purchased the home in 1926 and owned it until 1950.
The Grim and Grim Law firm began leasing space in the building and eventually purchased it. Today the home is beautifully maintained by Grim, Biehn & Thatcher Law Offices.
Reference Perkasie Historical Society archives