Eastern Pin Ticket and Tag,
Delbar Products Incorporated
The Delbar Apartments
601 W. Spruce Street
The Eastern Pin Ticket and Tag Company constructed the brick building at Seventh and Spruce Streets in 1913 for their printing business. The building was later expanded as the demand for printed pin tickets (used to price tag clothing) and other items increased. Arrow Safety Devices, a manufacturer of automotive lighting products, purchased the building in 1944 after Eastern Pin Ticket relocated.
L. Eric Jones, owner of Delbar Products Incorporated purchased the building in 1946. Delbar, formally Dellenbarger Manufacturing Company, was previously located in Philadelphia and a producer of food processing equipment and defense products during World War II. The company continued to produce Arrow Safety Device products and later began producing heavy duty truck mirrors.
The demand for truck mirrors increased necessitating Delbar Products to expand the Perkasie facility numerous times during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Eventually Delbar extended along Spruce Street from Seventh to Fifth Street. During the 1970’s Delbar was one of the largest employers in upper Bucks County.
In 2008, Delbar Products ceased operations in Perkasie and sold production assets to Ficosa International. The Perkasie building was vacant for many years until being acquired by the Moser Group. Renovations began in 2021 to convert the property into 98 apartments.
In January 2023, the brick, Seventh and Spruce Street building was completed, and residents began moving in. Renovations are continuing with converting the lower buildings into apartments.
Reference Perkasie Historical Society archives and informational interviews with Alan Weisberg, Julia Holzerman and Carol Ward.