Hartman Systems & Controls
Manufacturing Building
Formerly Perkasie Feed Store
108 N. 7th Street
William Renner constructed a steam mill building on Seventh Street circa 1890. In addition to the feed business, Mr. Renner served as freight agent for Lehigh Valley Transit during the years the trolley ran on Seventh Street.
Fred Eyre, and later Edwin F. Stover operated their Perkasie Feed Store businesses from the building. When the Stover’s constructed a new feed mill in 1938 on North Seventh Street (now Davis Feed Mill) they retained the former Perkasie Feed Store building for storage.
Fred Eyre, and later Edwin F. Stover operated their Perkasie Feed Store businesses from the building. When the Stover’s constructed a new feed mill in 1938 on North Seventh Street (now Davis Feed Mill) they retained the former Perkasie Feed Store building for storage.
Five Point Data Systems, located next door in the former Central News building, purchased and demolished the feed store building in 1998. They constructed a single-story storage building at the northern end of the property.
Needing more manufacturing space in 2021, adjoining property owner, Hartman Systems acquired the property and demolished the storage building (along with the Central News building). Hartman constructed a new manufacturing and warehouse building on the feed store site in 2022.
Reference Perkasie Historical Society archives